Sunday Nature Stills – 02/21/2016

I was just thinking about climate diversity and how seasons have a significantly different meaning for different climates.

1) Several thousand year old Bristlecone pine tree growing at high elevation and under harsh seasonal extremes.

2) Low elevation deciduous forest with mind seasons.

3) Tropical rainforest with little seasonal variations.

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Sunday Nature Stills – 02/14/2016

I was looking at photographs tonight thinking about all the variety of animals out there. Even within a sub group of animas like reptiles, I find it amazing how varied they are to best function in their respective environments.

1) Gold Dust Day Gecko, Kauai Hawaii
2) Nile Crocodile, Grumeti River, Tanzania
3) Flap-Necked-Chameleon, Tarangire, Africa
4) Mwanza Flat-Headed Rock Agama, Serengeti
5) Green sea turtle, Oahu Hawaii

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