Sunday Nature Stills – 02/24/2019

I think I could sit and watch wild Hippopotamus all day (my wife, however, would rather spend her time watching other animals as hippo behavior does not impress her).  They are super interesting to watch and photograph. Hippos are fairly dangerous animals and are typically nocturnal, but they are still surprisingly active during the day.  It is fascinating to watch the social structure of a group/raft of hippos.  They can be extremely aggressive to each other as they fight for position in a small space of an otherwise open river area.

I took this photograph along the Grumeti River in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.

Sunday Nature Stills – 02/17/2019

I’ve been experimenting more with taking photographs simultaneously over and under water.  I like that there is a hidden world just under the surface of the water.  Although underwater images are often very interesting on their own, I find that an underwater scene can sometimes lack context and scale.  I like to see what is under the surface and at the same time see the overall environment.

Sunday Nature Stills – 02/03/2019

It is interesting what you find when you slow down a bit and look at the natural details around you.  This is a neat rodent path that was running through tall coastal grass.  It was probably made by an Amargosa Vole or some other field mouse.  This was in a small grassy area on the top of a hill overlooking a rocky beach along the California coast.  I like the structure of the path with the overarching tunnel.  It’s evident that the path is used often.  Not only is traveling the same path consistently a convenient way for the animal to travel through the grass, but the overhead structure probably provides some protection from being seen by predators.