Sunday Nature Stills – 06/11/2017

It’s probably not a surprise that I’m a big supporter of wilderness and wildlife conservation. Human impact is a critical and near-term problem for worldwide biodiversity.

One of the main reasons that we pick specific travel destinations is to see areas that are on the verge of changing forever from human activity and encroachment.

Our primary reason for visiting East Africa was to see and photograph some critically endangered species like the Black Rhino. The number of Black Rhino in the wild is less than 10% of what is was in the 1970s. Conservation efforts are making a positive difference, but it is still possible that some types of wild Rhino will disappear completely in our lifetime.

It’s really impressive to see healthy megafauna in the wild.

I took this photograph in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania.


6 thoughts on “Sunday Nature Stills – 06/11/2017

  1. It’s a very beautiful photo with a sad story. It’s good to read that there are conservation efforts as well.


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